1. Text message (preamble story)
Like any article, the subject header is very important so it must be good, must appeal to new customers, make them open the letter then Click to.
Contents of the letter have not considered temporary because if not attractive letterhead or not it sad that nobody open letter that read the content inside all. You do not need to write the words so uplifting, so subliminal please pay attention to what your target customers what they need.
Just hit the psychology of the customer is the most valuable places and worth the investment of time and effort.
Therefore apart compelling content is useful information, promotional information, the message headers price shock is the very important factor.
Hunter Boyle once said, "Imagine when customers view email inbox and they must utter the saying "What" is the letter that your assistant to do so they are attracted by your email"
Therefore, to write a concise mailbox is a very difficult thing. You need to identify objects that your campaign will be targeted based on the study of habits, preferences of customers.
2. Simply is the best
According to leading marketing experts, the email headers contain from 6-10 from a title with ideal length. And according to the survey of over 260 million emails Retention Science from 540 different campaigns, most mail from 11-15 title characters.Like the article presentation, essay, if required you to write an article as long as possible. Sure you can do it, right?
But if your presentation is only about 50 lines, you can do it? Hunter Boyle found that "All of us need to challenge me by writing brief and enthusiasm put into it in terms of certain limits."
The set for themselves a number of use Titles will improve your email client is opened from the first reading.
The contents of the email should also be limited, there are recipes for you is the length of a page should display, including the content and the most appropriate image.
3. Compatible with smartphones
These are factors that force you to note that in 2017, as well as next year.The number of mobile users is increasing strongly.
So if your email using optimal design, friendly smartphones is not good, it does not bring comfort to the reader mail.
4. Be a friend
Consumers online are always eager to get the interactive service and friendly, not only in the procurement process but also in the customer care, to provide information.You know to the natural form of advertising rather TVC?
It is extremely user-friendly ad does not contain many images or language products act. It touches the hearts of viewers and makes the viewer see it touched every time.
With an email marketing campaign, too, despite being bound expressway in the dry words but consumers are still eager to get the message full of love and kindness in it.
So you have to act so that not only documents which need friendly coherent.
For example, instead you use formal words such as "ABC Company" to communicate with the customer, then you can use the word "we" to create the friendly close to the customer.
Thank you for reading this part 1. Let's go to part 2 in the next few days!